SmarTHERM Thermostats (HVAC)




   from an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based System like the SmarTHERM

A: Because only an AI based system can learn by itself from the habits of the occupants of the house, the characteristics of the building (space, insulation, windows, etc.), the weather conditions (temp, wind, sun, etc.), and adapt its behavior accordingly, without human intervention.


A: First, the fact that the SmarTHERM is Computer (PC) based gives it immense capabilities in terms of computing, data storage, data mining, data analysis, statistics, infos for the user, etc.

    Second, the fact that the system includes a Weather Station gives it unique capabilities in terms of capacity to adapt to real weather conditions to which the house is submitted and to react instantaneously to any variations of the surrounding weather conditions.

   These two unique characteristics only, makes the SmarTHERM better than any other so-called Smart Thermostats in the field of COMFORT and SAVINGS.


A:  As low as you can endure! (mainly in daytime when everybody is out of home) 

Why? Lower degrees are the most economical degrees to regain!
            Higher degrees are the most costly degrees to regain (and to maintain by the way).  


A:  Short answer, it depends of lots of factors (outdoor temp, wind speed and direction, presence of sunshine or not, quality of house insulation , etc.). 

In fact, generally speaking, with an AI based system like the SmarTHERM, the temp will rarely fall for more than 5°F (3°C).  By rarely extreme cold weather (-15°F (-25°C)), the fall may sometimes reach 12°F (7°C).  (Taking into account that the SmarTHERM system will restart the heating far before the 8 hour setback time is reached). 


A:  Not if you have an AI based system like the SmarTHERM able to restore the wanted temp at the wanted time and this within a more or less 5 minutes error gap! 


A:  From 1 minute and up!  In other words, no matter the absence time, there’s always gain to make in lowering the temp. 


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